I thank you from the bottom of my heart

Our dear ones💕🦋Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with us every day and for helping us to carry this weight on our shoulders! Now that Lara is home and will return to the hospital only for tests and chemotherapy every week, I am calmer because I know her close to me. […]

Hello, dear people!

As I told you yesterday, we went for tests and today we had to go back to the hospital for chemotherapy. Mommy is very happy to be home again, she wanted to take pictures of me … but I didn’t feel like smiling. 😞 Mom and Dad always say that I am very strong, that […]

I’m really happy today

Hi all! I’m so glad I finally got home. I hugged Mira for a long time and I received many, many kisses from mommy! “But I have to go back to the hospital today for other tests and see if he can give me chemotherapy.” Yes, it starts again 😞 it’s like an endless story […]

Greetings, dear friends!

Greetings, dear friends! 🦋🦋🦋 We are still in the hospital, but we hope he leaves us at home tomorrow. Daddy is very tired too, he stays here with me all the time and works for us at the same time. 🙏🏼 We can’t wait to see Mommy and Mira! So far, I’ve only talked to […]

I feel a little bit better.

Time passes and I’m still in the hospital! I feel a little better, but she still doesn’t leave me at home, although I really want to see my sister and hug my mom 🥰🥰 I miss them. 😒 Daddy is here with me. And a hero. In one hand he carries me, and with the […]

The last few days have been really hard.

My dear ones, The last few days have been really hard for me. I hope to go home to Mommy and Mira as soon as possible. Today I received treatment with chemotherapy and antibiotics. Look what happened to me … my upper lip and eyes were swollen. I haven’t been allergic to anything so far, […]

Lara on YouTube

Cute! Please share! Help us make Lara’s case known! https://youtu.be/SCsDaXDLglc

My dears.

My dears, we’re still in the hospital with Daddy. ”Today I received chemo treatment for the bad cells again. When the nurse gives me the chemo treatment, I’m cold, so I put my hat on and wrapped myself. 😊 I promise I will be strong and I will fight as before! Please continue to be […]

These days are very difficult.

These days are very difficult for Lara and for us. She is still in the hospital and unfortunately she is not feeling well at all. I knew it would be hard, I knew that due to chemotherapy, side effects and certain complications would occur, but I did not expect it to appear so quickly! 😥 […]

It’s Sunday.

Howdy ! It’s Sunday. Unfortunately I’m still at the hospital, it looks like I’ll be here for a while 😞 There’s a big fight in my body, the bad cells are very aggressive, they attack everywhere. And I’m very small and thin. “But I’m getting some rest and I’m going to start over.” The doctors […]