I’m really happy today

Hi all! I’m so glad I finally got home.

I hugged Mira for a long time and I received many, many kisses from mommy! “But I have to go back to the hospital today for other tests and see if he can give me chemotherapy.” Yes, it starts again 😞 it’s like an endless story 😦😦😦

I’m a little happy though! My mother told me that new people came to the group, that a charity fair is organized in Cehu, where the grandparents are staying, and an event is being organized on youtube with me! It’s so great that you try your best to help me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I know everything will be fine, but still invite as many friends in the group as possible, please … to be more sure 🤗🤗🤗I kiss you dearly!

Lara is a 5-year-old girl, from Sălaj origins, who was diagnosed with acute B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (blood and bone marrow cancer) for which she urgently started a chemotherapy treatment, a treatment that must be followed for 3 years. days to heal. Unfortunately, the cost of hospitalizations, tests and hospitalizations is too high to cover.


©️ Association for Lara Fighting against Leukemia and Cancer
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