My dear friends. It’s Lara.

Greetings from the hospital! Today I was hospitalized because I had a fever again. The tests came out a little bad, they said that my immune cells are few and that they are fighting cancer cells. 🔥

I hope he defeats my cells. I’ve always been a winner and I won’t give up now. I promise! 💪🏼💋

Please join me in this hard fight!

Any help matters and I feel stronger with you! 🙏🏼💕💕

Lara is a 5-year-old girl, from Sălaj origins, who was diagnosed with acute B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (blood and bone marrow cancer) for which she urgently started a chemotherapy treatment, a treatment that must be followed for 3 years. days to heal. Unfortunately, the cost of hospitalizations, tests and hospitalizations is too high to cover.


©️ Association for Lara Fighting against Leukemia and Cancer
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