Hello, dear ones!

Hello, dear ones! 💕Lara in recent days is getting paler, even her lips are whiter than usual. I weighed it and it weighs 1 kg less than last week. 😞😢

Today he went with Daddy for tests and from the result of the blood tests I found out that the hemoglobins were below the normal limits and required a blood transfusion. 🩸🩸🩸 She is now transfusing and fighting like a heroine. The transfusion will take 2.5 hours. I know how much she suffers, even though she is strong and does not complain. 🥺

To me, she is the kindest and most patient girl in the world. ❤️😍🥰 Pray for her and her health. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with us! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any donation, auction, comment and share !!! Thank you for being part of Lara’s story!

Lara is a 5-year-old girl, from Sălaj origins, who was diagnosed with acute B-cell lymphoblastic leukemia (blood and bone marrow cancer) for which she urgently started a chemotherapy treatment, a treatment that must be followed for 3 years. days to heal. Unfortunately, the cost of hospitalizations, tests and hospitalizations is too high to cover.


©️ Association for Lara Fighting against Leukemia and Cancer
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